Monday, March 16, 2009

hmm.. i think it's been how many days now??..since i posted something here..

i don't know why...

i just feel busy even though i don't really have things to do...'

have you felt this kind of feeling..'s really really weird..

what should i do now??

5:42 AM

Friday, March 13, 2009

someone's being a copycat!!..

what's her name??

(the one at the center..)


she learned that i am addicted to
and guess what???..
she's busy blogging now too..

what a copycat!..



3:06 AM

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
hmm..i can do it

Mr. Play it Safe was afraid to fly..

and when he decided to take the chance and fly..

the plane where he was crashed..

well..i just don't want this to happen to me..

i know, like what they said, im always afraid..
afraid of everything..
i make things negative,,
i make myself believe in the negative side..
i'm so pessimistic..
i don't know..
i just have this negative perception on things
especially with regard to what will happen if you do this and that..

i'm so full of what if's..

a big BUT..
I wanna change..i'll stop being a neuro(as what they call me) and think of things in
the good way..
i'll try getting rid of the "what if's"
and set my mind into a more positive outlook...


i'll the take the chances to fly..

before i end up in a plane crash full of regrets and unstatisfied with my LIFE.

1:53 AM

hmm..i just thought.

im not trying to be "mayabang" or anything..
but i really noticed that some people make themselves dumb...
as if they're acting not to know something and just act moron or stupid.. just pisses me off
even though sometimes i find myself dumb,stupid,moron andebverything..
but at least i don't do it on purpose..
that's why..


1:32 AM

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

to all sad and lonely people!!..

you can be happy!!..

just read my blog!!..


my friends said this is a comedy blog!!..and i'm tellin you,
they looked like this one...
so check it out!!..

i'm sure you'll find yourself laughing and just happy!!..




6:18 PM



We don't have classes today..yeah ONLY today..
at least i have time to rest..

get rid of this red little-big nerds..


but i think its just normal..hehe..
especially to people with ages like me..
in short teenagers!!..thk..
so check this out!!..
Photobucket's funny!!..

6:10 PM

Monday, March 9, 2009

boring!!..yeah..i'm bored..

[matry daw magbikol!!..mapangiritoon daa kaya!!.]

hai!..boringon!!..tano daw may klase pa kami e mau naman ginigibo..
sayang lang kang oras..maray pang magrest..
para mawarawara man lamang ining mga
nerds q sa mukha!!wahahaha..

or kung dai man talga pede ang vacation..i have another suggestion.. it goes..
dapat mga nine a.m. na ang time mi tapos mga four p.m. pde na maguli..

pero i prefer suggestion number one!!hehe..

hai..sana may magdara na lang ning bed sa school so i or we can sleep and rest!!!..

and good thing there's blog!!.
starting to get addict!!:]help!!

6:32 AM

Sunday, March 8, 2009
hmm..miSs pHiLiPpinEs!

ohh!!what a nyt!!.

my friends and i had really great experiences this night!.
a heavy rain poured down before we could get to NCF to watch "Miss Philippines."
..but we had no choice but to run so that we could ride the jeepney coz we
thought we were already late..
and we were all soaking wet!!..
and guess what??...
dianne's slippers slipped off her foot while she was getting into the jeepney..
it was really embarassing,,all of us laughed like wet chickens!!..hehe..

luckily, we were still able to see the play and we didn't miss any part..
Miss Philippines was really funny!!..
the casts acted very very well!!..
they gave justice to their roles and i think that was the best play of the plays they made that i've seen!!..
the play covered different stories of the contestants of the pageant and there was this really funny actress..
her role was the mother of one of the contestants and she has a huge...future.. [u know wat i mean..]
of course that was fake and she really did great and i think she was the favorite of the crowd coz
she really made the whole play alive and more interesting..

o well..after the play,,we decided to eat at mcdonald's..
we just walked by the way,,and because of that funny things happened to our feet and slippers...
alfred stepped on a paddle of water and he said it was really yucky!!..
so we all went to rani's place so that he and the others can wash their feet...

so we continued our journey towards mcdonald's

suddenly it rained again!!..
shayne's left slipper's strap ripped off so she needed to carry it and walk with one foot bare..
it was yucky too..imagine the street was wet and..dirty and everything..
and she was like playing.."kiki.."

fortunately while walking, we passed through a store selling slippers..
obviously shayne bought one...

while in the store, a plastic rope get into my foot and i thought it was a cockroach..
so i jumped and jumped..
so stupid!!
and i stepped on marou's foot..


we all end up having dirty feet..


we ate at mcdo and
we all had fun!!.


6:39 AM

Saturday, March 7, 2009

sHayne you've missed the drAma!!..

sayang shayne!..mau ka kang last "hanay!." there are still other times that the family would be together, don't miss that chance!.

3:50 PM

opEratiOn dEbugGing!.

creepy bugs??!!..solution..debug! visual basic, you will encounter many problems in coding and everything especially when your using it the first time and you still don't master the ways of it and its nature.

Making our own program, "input boxes and messages boxes," we have encountered some bugs and we weren't able to debug it in some time. In our program, we have decided to make menus using the menu editor. We decided to have the option "background" included in our menu but this time we want the background to be pictures instead of just colors. So after we finished making the menu, we tried doing the codes...but unfortunately we didn't know the correct codes to put because it was completely different from having colors as background. So we asked helped to a student-teacher for him to give some example. After giving an example, we (my groupmates), were the one to do it ourselves. We thought everything was okay and that we did the right thing but when we ran the program and clicked the options under the "background," ...."bugs found" we did what we needed to do..we checked where the bugs were and we started analyzing what went wrong. We checked if the codes we put were correct just like what was on the example. And we noticed that it was correct, so what is wrong?, we again analyzed it and looked for the error/s. Then after some time, it all came up to us....we noticed that the location of the pictures we put on the codes were incorrect!.we changed it immediately and check if it would work. luckily, it worked so we continued putting codes on the other options under the background menu...then suddenly we encountered another bug and then we tried to solved it again. We noticed that all the other pictures that worked well had a format of .jpg and when we looked on the format of the picture with the bug, it was .png so we concluded that pictures with format .png don't work as background. after all that, we were able to finish the program with cute picture background and we have learned new codes! It was pretty cool!!.

So for those who want pictures on their background, here's the code:

Image1.picture = load picture ("location of picture/name of picture.formatof picture")

here's an example:

Image1.picture = load picture ("D:\ERRON'Sfiles/xmasparty.jpg")

..that's all..

enjoy your picture background!!!

3:35 PM

hmm..anOtHer bUg!.

We had trouble following the codes of our math operation program. It focuses on making control arrays and we weren’t aware of it so what was wrong on what we did was we assigned different names to the options that we wanted to make control arrays with. So everytime we tried to run the program we were making, it won’t work. We tried everything,from checking the codes and everything. But we were able to realize are mistakes after some time and we changed the names options into a distinct one. So when you want to make control arrays, remember to make the names of the options the same for each so that you won’t have any trouble afterwards.

3:34 PM

bye bok!.

hai..its really hard to say goodbye.

it's really hard to accept the reality that everything would end..

this day,,i felt it..

i felt how hard it is to say goodbye to my CAT co-senior officers.. junior friends..

i'll really miss u guyz!.

i'll treasure the mmries!.

tnx for all guyz!.

5:53 AM

Monday, March 2, 2009
what a relief!.


i'm glad it worked..all my postings are still here.

i thought all would be gone in just that instant..all my thoughts and evrything(as if i had many postings!!)

im kinda startin' to like BLOGS!!!

its nice to express your thoughts and just say or write what you want to write.. it actually makes me feel lighter..yeah.

1:14 AM


i just changed the template of this blog..and unfortunately, all my postings wont come out...hai,,im just trying if this one would already show..

1:03 AM

Sunday, March 1, 2009

this it!..last days of my high school life..ahw!..

well, i need to give it my best shot! the best i could be guve the best that i can give!!.i wish i had done that before..hehe..

11:20 PM

.tO yOu!!.



tAke a LoOk at my kalEidoScOpe!.

.kIsAy dAw nI?!.



16 tUrning month to go!.

.mY sChOoL.


.wHat aBout mE.

.hmm.what about me?!. well i'm jUst oRdiNary like otHer peOpLe wHen it cOmes to wHat yOu sEe.. i'm jUst siMpLe bUt i'm uNiquely diFferent(?!)jsut liKe wHAt they say,all of uS weRe mAde to be diFfeRent!. i'm tHAt "bAngkAy" they caLL coz i'm tHin, and i to agree abOut that..

"nEuro--tIck!," thAt's my otHer a-k-a.. i'm aFrAid of tHings coz i often tHink in tHe nEgative wAy.. bUt dEspite tHAt i can stIlL say i'm hApPy..vEry hAppy..

yEah!.i stiLL find wAys thRough tHings and sTuFF..i love my liFe..and thAt's it!.

..i believe in God-He's reAlly goOd..

i lOve my fAmily-my inSipirAtion,my guide..

i love my fRiendz-zephy,and eVeryone--my stREngth..

i love mySeLf =]

cHecK tHis oUt:

I'm free but I'm focused

I'm green but I'm wise

I'm hard but I'm friendly baby

I'm sad but I'm laughing

I'm brave but I'm chickenshit

I'm sick but I'm good baby

What it all comes down to

Is that everything's gonna be fine fine fine

'cause I've got one hand in my pocket

And the other one is giving a high five

.wiSh LiSt.

1.lOng aNd wEll-liVed life.
2.tO get hEalthy!.
3.pImpLe-free fAce..=]




fLoOr seLect!.


eXits[mY fRiEnds]




























  • February 2009
  • March 2009


    hOpe u eNjOyed!.

    keEp viSiting!.